Monday, July 18, 2005

One Hell of a Weekend

Friday night Saidas and I pregamed at my place, then Robis joined us and we pregamed in a park, finally making it to Honolulu by 2. I didn't even get a drink at Honolulu for two hours, just dancing.

This girl comes up to me and says "do you speak English?" I'm not gonna lie to her, so I say "sure, why not?"

Then she says, and this is the fifth girl in a month to say this, "are you Italian?" I've gotten so bored of this compliment (apparently Lithuanian women think Italians are the hottest men in the world) I decide to play along, "Yup, I'm Italian!"

Now she says of Saidas, "why isn't your buddy dancing?" I look over and he's wearing a pink sweater, so I say, "because he's gay, why do you think he's wearing a pink sweater?!" She doesn't believe me, so I add "go try to kiss him and see what happens: he won't let you." "I have a husband and child!" "So? He won't let you anyway!" She went over and asked him, without trying to kiss him, dammit, and he revealed that I don't only speak English.

Saidas took off because he had to work in the morning, so Robis and I are left dancing with V. (the married one) and I. (the one I believe isn't married). Luckily we move around so that I'm dancing with I. She's not only unmarried (I think...marriage is a don't ask don't tell thing, right?) but also more goodlooking. Then we go sit around upstairs, where I continue to dance on and off I., who's drinking tequila with V. 5am closing, maybe 6, it must have been 6, cause I didn't get home till like eight. The girls didn't wanna come back to my place, where I had champagne, but they didn't wanna go home either, so we sat around the park making out till V.'s husband called at 7 to say "Where-TF are you, Wife?!"



Rachel Croucher said...

thank God I'm not a man, because I wouldn't want you anywhere near any girlfriend of mine!

Aras said...

hey, i was laying the charm down on the UNmarried one, remember?!

Rachel Croucher said...

and ended up with who exactly?!

Aras said...

the unmarried one.

Aras said...


the married one is stuggling to figure out how to delete here browser's history so her husband doesn't find my blog. she's afraid he'll figure everything out.

i told her how, but she said her right click doesn't give her a delete function.

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