Monday, July 18, 2005

things i'm a fan of

manakins with nipples but no arms

when kids riding bikes spit up and forward and the spit kids them square in the eyes they yell "blet, nachui!"

the jalapeno and blue cheese combo

non-vulgar jokes

vulgar jokes too, but they're all the jokes i know, so with a repectable crowd i'm stuck

a crowd gathered to watch an old woman sitting next to a pond with a monkey

lithuanian fold songs remixed into rock n roll

when you've been running through a down pour in a raincoat with a broken zipper and you take cover under in an entry way to a building, and a drunk guy comes in out of the rain and says "i didn't make it"

cocktail waitresses

regular waitresses


Aras said...

i forgot to mention one thing i'm a huge fan of:

when i'm sitting in a bar with my arm around a cute girl, and another even cuter girl walks by and winks at me ;)

Bonnie Conquest said...


Aras said...

bonnie, i'm 24 years old and single! what do you want from me???

besides, how could i not be girl crazy?! you girls got a premium gender going on!

Jim Gust said...

mannequins is the usual spelling.

or, if you insist, manikins is apparently acceptable, though I've never seen it in print.

did you want a spell checker for your birthday? because even if you don't believe it's important, the rest of the world that you inhabit still does.

Bonnie Conquest said...

Jim -

I thought the same - how awful is that spelling 'manakins'... But before I posted a snipe at Aras I looked it up, and that spelling has some currency. Check out:

Aras said...

LOL, yeah, that does look pretty aweful, what was I thinking?

When I write serious blog entries, which has become a infrequent endevour, I put them through Word to do a quick spell check.

But when I write some goofball entry such as this one, I don't worry about it: I wear a suit and tie to work, but jeans and a sweatshirt when I go for a walk in the park.

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