Wednesday, September 14, 2005

that’s awesome when babies smoke

i saw this baby light up on a bus the other day, and when his mommy took away the ciggy, and said "how many times do i have to tell you, no smoking on the bus!" he started bawling like a fucking baby, and then i remembered: he is a fucking baby!


mrdarius said...


are you smoking yet?

Rachel Croucher said...

I thought Aras only smoked when he drinks?

Aras said...

so, rachel? i can't drink at the computer or something?

well, actually i almost can't, since i don't have internet at home, and i don't usually drink at work, and if i do it's with my colleagues at some kind of party, not at my desk.

Rachel Croucher said...

of course you can drink at your computer, but I only remember you to smoke cigarettes when consuming alcohol

Aras said...

now i feel like you're just pretending to be so dense!

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