Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Party Crashin'

This weekend was Erasmus Days, a day and night in Palanga. I wasn't involved, because my institution hasn't accepted any students yet, we've only sent them. So, I wasn't invited, but it was Lokys and Liepa's birthday, and I had presents for them from Turkey, so how could I not go anyway?

Saturday morning I went tot he bus station, micro to Palanga, then a bus to Šventąją, after a 45 minute wait. Luckily during that 45 minutes there was some dance performances by first traditional groups, then by the future sluts of lithuania, 12-14 year old girls shakin their TNA and air humping in skimpy costumes on stage. p.s. that's the first time i ever used the term TNA.

Then I finally got out there and went to registration to meet Liepa, but decided to skip registering when I didn't see anybody I knew (plus the yellow T-shirts were...not appealing). So we went to wake up Lokys and Dan Fowler who was visiting them from France on his way back to the states. Liepa got her Salve Chalva or whatever it's called, and Lokys got his Turkish playing cards and peanuts...and to celebrate we all had a shot of Austrian moonshine.

After lunch got beers and taught a bunch of Erasmus students to play Kings, which was a huge success. For the first minute nobody was even listening to me, but lokys bringing a 10 gallon iron kettle to the table got their attention, and everybody got into the game enthusiastically, and we played all the way to the second to last card before somebody got the last king. Photos to come if I ever get a flickher site going.

Bussed it to Palanga and 400 buzzed foreigners are instructed to form ranks, six to a row. That took about a half hour, at which point we decided to march on the other side of the street, so we had to form ranks over again (nobody thought to do about faces and march across in formation). We marched with a band and cop car leading the way to Wild Nights Club where we drank cheese and ate wine, or the other way around I guess, then Fowler and I waited so long in line at the open bar we just had to walk about with eight liters of beer, then some weak dinner and playing setback for the first time in over a year and a half for me. Then the best (worst) part, Lokys and Liepa get me on stage (with no effort, really) to all sing Krambambolis, and get cut off after the second verse, I can only hope my respectable colleague had left by then. I even considered dedicating the sone to her, till I got on stage and realized I am retarded!!!

Got to wake up Fowler and carry Liepa out around one. You know in the movies when soldiers carry a comrade over one shoulder for like all the way from Vietnam to Sri Lanka? Well, those guys are in better shape than I, apparently. None of had been able to locate the key, but I had left one of the windows unlocked, so we went through the window. Liepa went straight to bed, and Fowler and I talked about God knows what, alls I know is I got a photo of him trying to get rid of the hiccups upsidedown I something about salad tossing...

Then Lokys comes in right after Fowler fell asleep and I'm like "Oh, so you did have the key!" He's like, "No, it was in the door. What, you went through the fucking window?!" And he had the lucky lady with him I'd left him with at the club, so we took a drink and headed to the beach to ditch a lame party after five minutes. Then I went to sleep at 6 to let them put the moves on each other or whatever...the morning at 9 was awesome, just kidding.

Good Party!


Liepa said...

can i post a picture in the comments? fowler's cheese face is unbelievable ;)

Trashcan said...

Yeah, it was a pretty good time until some bastards stole my coat. Jeebus!!

Also i want to see the pictures you have of fowler, cause liepa has only 1.

Aras said...

i got like 10! i'm tellin you, flickher's coming soon...

Anonymous said...

this lucky lady from that club is my friend hahahaha! Indeed it was a good party ;)

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