Saturday, October 07, 2006


Holy shit, I gotta give a shout out o Donata Ruskyte. She was part of my crew on the Finland trip, and I blabbed enough about food prep that I got my colleagues intrests up and invited them over for chicken fingers and freedom fries a couple weeks after we got back. They brought desert, including Donata's brownies. Let me tell you something: holy shit! After two years in Lithuania with no brownies, I suppose I'm already conditioned against them, so it may not be surprising that I was blown away by them, but let me explain something: holy shit!!! they were so amazing, I can't even believe it! I'm gonna quit going to work and just make brownies all day. And sell them? No! I'm just gonna eat them all day and all night!!! Goodbye life! Nothing matters anymore besides brownies...


Liepa said...

that sounds ridiculous. how did she make them without semi sweet chocolate chips? or brownie mix for that matter?

also, i already got 3 questionnaires back through email... awesomeness!

i'm excited because lindsey comes to visit tomorrow, and i'm gonna take her to bill's blues bar where we'll drink black and blues (half guinness half blue moon) and my friend fox's band will play...

Aras said...

buttloads of of sugar and cocoa. they're better than with chocolate chips. they're the best brownies ever.

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