Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Here's some classic words of inexperience: "you really think we'll eat that much?" The correct answer is always an emphatic "YES!" I mistakenly answered last night "Fine, just get three chicken thighs then." Me so stupid. No catastophy, but the result was that instead of giant chicken sandwiches with mushrooms onions and green pepper for dinner, we ate giant mushroom-onion-green pepper sandwiches with a little chicken in there somewhere.


Jim Gust said...

please, it's "catastrophe."

I only mention it because you allegedly are a teacher of the English language.

mrdarius said...

yah, if i ws you're student's gandering at you're page, first i'ld look up what is to gander, and than i would no longer you take you so serious inside lecrture because you are kareless in you're speling.

Jim Gust said...

If I believed it was carelessness I wouldn't be so upset.

Aras said...

i teach english practice and text interpretation, and british and american literature, not spelling. students write essays using word, not blogger, so they use spell checkers. i don't take off points for spelling on quizzes unless it's a word that we've specifically gone over, like dear vs. deer, or guy vs. gay.

Aras said...

somebody in my family has a copy of "he died with a falafel in his hand," by john birmingham. maybe that's lokys? lokys always takes years to read anything i give him for christmas.

Trashcan said...

I think everyone is missing the point here. Who cares about a simple typo or misspelling, that has no effect on anybodies life, and furthermore nobody in the world knows all the grammar rules and spellings of words from the english language.

The far more important issue is only getting 3 chicken thighs. That is a mistake that truly affects people's lives and could have been easily avoided.

mrdarius said...

but blogger has a spellchecker. well, not in comments, but in posting it does.

Aras said...

what?! for real dariau?! that's awesome!

you know what else it doesn't have in comments is a link creator. whenever you see a link in my comment that's cause i went into normal blogger and created the link there and copied it to here. i tried just memorizeing the whole but that was too hard...

and i'd like to note once more how ridiculous it is that i have to type in the word verification on my own blog. i'm gonna write em a customer service letter, that shouls clear things up...

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