Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The cat's outta the bag!

I bumped into one of my favorite students yesterday, one of the ones I was really glad chose me as her course paper sponsor. Among other things, she mentioned "Suradau Tavo dienorasti :) "


"Nezinau ar taip vadinasi, bet ten kur rasai internete."

I assumed my students found this blog earlier, but this is the first time anyone's said anything to me. Ever since I got statcounter I see that there's about five to ten internet searches each week for my name just from Klaipeda. I only know of a couple people who are either enamored or enraged by me. I guess there's a whole slew of enamored ones though... ;) Who's left but my students? I guess maybe my professors, that'd be a little more embarassing. I don't know who the hell's looking for me in New Jersey.

She's a fourth year, almost out, and decidedly disenchanted by the college, with the exception of me and two other professors, so I hope she listened when I told her not to tell anybody! Davai, shhh :D


Aras said...

I only know two people from New Jersey, and they're both gorgeous. Are you one of them? Your blog is rather sparing in clues.

Trashcan said...

yeah, the staff of kaipsuprast was a little worried that parents of prospective campers would put neringa into google, and accidentally stumble upon our page, detailing the drunken debauchery that occurs there, but as far as i know that hasn't happenend. Yet...

Aras said...

trashcan, why don't you guys get statcounter? then you will know exactly what google searches, or any kind of searches, are bringing people to your blog. you'll also know what city they're from, so you'll know you blog is the reason why nobody from a particular region comes anymore.

raven, your blogger name is already in english. if you meant lithuanian, i don't really know anybody named kranklys dumtraukis, unless that's a nickname. and that'd be a very odd nickname for either of the women i was thinking of.

mrdarius said...

where do you get statcounter? i've been trying to track my stats, by the company i bought my site from keeps deleting them every so often.

Aras said...

dariau, why don't you take a stab in the dark and try http://www.statcounter.com/

kovai, i realized your identity after the first clue, i was just giving you a hard time ;) you gotta admit though, kranklys dumtraukis is a bomb ass name!

This is my counter: