Thursday, April 13, 2006

A new member in my Favorite Authors Group

Once Peanut complained to me about reading that "no book could ever make you laugh out loud." This was probably seven or eight years ago, and ever since then I remember his staunch resolution whenever a book makes me laugh out loud. This happened several times last night while reading Book II of C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity. This guy is one funny SOB. I can't give you any quotes, because it's always after a long set up in the context of the book.

I'm not wont to review a book I'm less than half way through, but yesterday was the worst day of my life until I picked it up, and then it turned into the best. Hugely uplifting. My mother is the best book recommender/lender ever, except for when my father is. The link in the first paragraph gives you the entire book, incidentally. It's not really stealing since Lewis's dead.


Jim Gust said...

On a much lighter note, may I recommend the works of John Scalzi, whose two science fiction books have a bit of a Robert Heinlein feel to them. The first one is Old Man's War, at which I laughed as hard as I have an any book, and the sequel is Ghost Brigades. BTW, mama's reaction to Ghost Brigades was "meh".

Another really funny book is anything by P. J. O'Rourke.

Aras said...

a google search for p j o'rourke quotes sure yields some funny ones. do you have those scalzi books? maybe mama could bring them over for me to read!

Jim Gust said...

no, i got them from the library, and i don't think they are out in paperback yet. so just file it away as a future read.

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