Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Article of the Day

Obama's First 100 Days
By Patrick Buchanan

Scary stuff.


Anonymous said...

But that's all just guessing! The problem with Obama is it's too hard to pinpoint where he actually stands and in turn what promises he actually will keep. I know enough people in politics and have experienced enough of it first came to know there is a major difference between what people say they "aim" to do, and what they actually do.

The major problem with this election is that both sides have become so polarised it is difficult to find an evenhanded discussion anywhere.

JLM said...

Count the blessings of Americans. Imagine Pat Buchanan's first hundred days!

Trashcan said...

i have certainly read better theories about what this new government will do. Plus i don't know who could take buchanan seriously. I contend that the only reason he's on CNN is to make conservatives look stupid, while at the same time CNN can claim to have a conservative voice.

Aras said...

Rachel, the last two elections were much more polarizing as this one. McCain is way closer to center than right, which is my biggest problem with him.

If McCain loses I'll consider Americans about as blessed as the citizens of the Soviet Union.

Buchanan may be a kook, but the ridiculousness of the democratic campaign has me in a real state of fear. Scary stuff is scary stuff.

Anonymous said...

What do you fear the most? Seriously. I only started paying attention late in the game so I'm curious about the actual specific bases to people's fears.

Aras said...

Control, Rachel. It's a scary thing, and the democrats are all about it. If they have their way every person in America will be like an animal in a zoo, with choices ranging as far as their cages.

What charities deserve my alms? The Rats want to control it.

What kind of car can I drive? The Rats want to control it.

What is the truth? The Rats want to control it.

What about free trade? The Rats want to control it.

Self defense? The Rats want to control it.

Freedom of health care? The Rats want to control it.

Who's the best man for the job? The Rats want to control it.

How much energy can I use at my home? The Rats want to control it.

What can I listen to on the radio? The Rats want to control it.

It's 1984.
It's Brave New World.
It's Fahrenheit 451.
It's Atlas Shrugged.
It's really very scary.

Anonymous said...

That's very broad but I get your point. I'm also a big advocate of small government, but possibly not quite to the extent that you are. I'm still not quite sure what you mean on a few of them like charities or car you drive, and obviously I am a little biased about health care because if there were no such thing as a public health system in Australia I would literally be dead, and if not dead I also literally would not have the attendant care that I need. (We have a combined system here where people who have private health insurance get a tax rebate, and people who use the public health system pay a Medicare levy via their taxes).

Still though, here in Australia I have always aligned myself with the Liberal party (our version of the Republicans I guess) because of their classical liberal/libertarian ideals, but they are so far removed from those ideals at the moment that the idea of calling them a party that advocates small government is laughable. But can you seriously say that the Republicans have, in the last eight years, lived up to the libertarian/small government ideals you feel so passionately about?

Aras said...

Most government spending goes to help groups or causes that I consider charity cases. They don't deserve my tax dollars. Maybe they deserve my alms, but I prefer to choose myself who's going to get my charitable contributions.

Tax deductions for buying an electric car? What in the name of Sweet Zombie Jesus is that? My tax dollars are lining the pockets of people who choose a certain type of car, while I myself don't even drive a car?!

The Australian health care system as you describe it sounds okay to me. The problem with the system in much of Europe and what the Rats want in the states is a system of no choice: identical health care for those who really want it and for those who don't want it.

The past eight years? No, they haven't been excellent in terms of keeping the size of government small. If McCain loses, I hope the GOP realizes this is why and initiates a refurbishment of the party. Or I hope all the good men defect to the Libertarian Party and make it powerful.

Trashcan said...

The question is not one of the size of the government, but of the role of the government. Some people for example complain about the cost of being in iraq, but military spending as at historically rock bottom levels. Meanwhile federal spending as at all time high levels, but the majority of federal spending is wealth redistribution. That is taking money from some people and giving it to others. I gather aras believes that is not the role of the government, and neither do i. Obama feels, and claims publicly that he is his brother's keeper. I am not my brother's keeper. i don't want to be my brother's keeper. And most importantly, i don't want my brother keeping me.

Aras said...

That's right, you certainly don't want me being your keeper. I can't speak for Sirvydas, but I can't even get my gym bag together most morning in time to drop my special baby off at kindergarten. (That's why I skipped the gym today)

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