Friday, October 17, 2008

Article of the Day

Beware an October surprise from bin Laden, by Joseph Nye

Interesting, not sure home much I buy it. But it leads to a very interesting question: how many innocent people would you sacrifice to get your candidate elected? As I read I started thinking, yeah, a terrorist attack right now would be so worth it. What?! I guess I've gone crazy, but as a matter of fact, many many lives depend on who gets elected. If McCain gets elected, maybe more soldiers will die at war. If the ass gets elected, hundreds of thousands of babies will die not only at abortion clinics but at hospitals as well. Given these probable fatalities (inevitable if the ass makes it), maybe it would be worth it?

I ask you, how many innocent lives would you give to get your man in the white house? And you can't specify the people's party. That would change the dynamics of the question too much.


Trashcan said...

You've seen swordfish right? If you could cure all the world's diseases how many innocent people would you be willing to sacrifce. The guy says none, but in reality that doesn't make any sense. You need to way the pros and cons in any case, you can't just say the con is so bad i won't accept it no matter how good the pro is

Anonymous said...

I must have missed something, why would babies die at hospitals? (I am not agreeing or disagreeing, I'm serious, I've no idea what you are referring to)

Trashcan said...

I believe what you are referring to rachel, is the possibility that a woman goes to have an abortion, but when the kid comes out it turns out it is already big enough to live on it's own, independent of the mother. So now the quesiton is what to do with this fetus which was supposed to be aborted. Should it be given medical treatment to keep it alive or not.

Aras said...

Read the article in those post, Rachel.

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