Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I appreciate Facebook for getting me back in touch with old friends and for making it easy to share photos, news, and stuff like that. But I don't really get the point of it replacing email. I mean, the way it works, for all you weirdos not on Facebook, is that I get an email that says somebody sent me a message, but to reply I have to go to Facebook and sign in and send the messege. Why don't people send me an email? Facebook is great for several things, but it's certainly not better at email than email.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. If I am having a flippant conversation on facebook I don't care, however if I feel the conversation has some relevance and I would like to exchange the conversation over e-mail I will reply to the notification e-mail with a response to the person's actual e-mail address, thus guiding the conversation away from facebook and towards e-mail... easy!

(But I change the title so people don't delete the e-mail thinking it is a notification)

Aras said...

You probably stole that idea from me.

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Nice blog.
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