Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Goofy Ties

This morning I put on a goofy tie. It's a blue tie with light blue and yellow letters scattered on it: the letters of the acronym for some institute for which I did some volunteer work last spring. When I got the tie I thought "Well, if I ever go to an event at this institute in Finland, then I can wear the tie." I thought today I might wear it for larfs, because I'm wearing black and dark grey, so I thought it might make my appearance more cheerful. However, it clashed with my face: my face is youthful and vibrant, even when I'm exhausted and still half asleep at 7:35 in the morning. This tie, as I suspect all goofy ties to be, revealed itself after I tied it around my neck to be indicitive of giving up on life and never wanting to get laid again. Goofy ties are for withered old men only. Despite my current problem I have not given up on life, and you'd better hope I never not want to get laid again (ever), because that just might make suicide bombing seem worth giving a shot, and if that's how I'm gonna go down, I'm going down nuclear.

So I took the tie off. I hung it back up with my other ties; I don't know why I did that instead of throwing it away. Maybe I'll get a dog someday and use it as a leash. On the "bright" side, the whiteness on my shirt makes an even better brightness effect conrasted to the darkness of the rest of my garb.

1 comment:

mrdarius said...

probably around half of my ties are goofy ties, and i also don't know why i don't throw them out. maybe some year there will be over 20 parties to go with themes that will be the perfect opportunities to wear these ties and i'll be glad i never threw them out. imagine i did throw them out and then all these crazy parties started happening:
-animals celebrating christmas party
-smiley faces party
-psychedelic 70's party
-pink polyester 80's party
-duck party
-biker party (as in bicycle rider)

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