Friday, October 07, 2005

this bumbling idiot i know

this guy i know, he put a bucket of water by his bed the other night so he could rewet the rag on his radiator if he got up. the bucket had a hole in it and after cleaning up all the water his glass of water that he meant to take adrink from slipped from his slippery hand and spilled all over his cell phone and boom box.

then at maxama he bought olive oil. there were two equally cheap ones, but one was glass so he bought that one, you know, to feel cool or something. the bottom broke when he put his back pack down at home, but he didn't notice that the glass had shattered until the entire bag and its contents were covered in oil. after two mega washes in the washing machine, it's still a little oily.

and then this idiot apparently mixed up october 6th in klaipeda with october 6th in boston: he went out last night with no jacket and flip flops! everybody whom he talked to at the bar, and even randon stranger, were like, "aren't you freezing?!"

what an ass!


mrdarius said...

wow...normally i would say this guy is me, but i'm not in klaipeda or near a maxima. i feel this fool's pain.

ps - this fool once had a similar experience to your fool's experience with the olive oil. except mine was with suntan lotion. at least my bag smells like summer now (actually, STILL would be a better word since this happened almost 3 years ago).

Aras said...

the bumbling idiot is afraid to wear the back pack directly on a suit for fear of oiling the suit jacket...oiling a coat is no big deal...maybe he should get a leather coat, then it would just become extra shiny.

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