Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ass Landing

I fell on my ass for the first time this year. I was walking down the street. At the edge of each curb there's big patches of ice, and this one street I crossed was slippery enough that I totally slipped and landed square on my ass. It didn't really hurt though, but there was somebody directly behind me. I didn't hear him snicker, but if I were he, I would have :(


Bonnie Conquest said...

Any updates on bruising will be welcomed :)

mrdarius said...

yeah, didn't you get a phone with a camera? some photographic evidence would be much welcomed. also, [{snicker}]!

Trashcan said...

I fell on my dick the other day, that would have sucked too, but luckily there was a naked woman to break my fall.

Aras said...

once i purposely didn't let go of the bowling bowl after swinging it as hard as i could and did slide halfway down the lane!

hey, I was 15 and it was the last roll of the last frame. What the hell else could I do?

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