Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm so funny it's not even retarded...or is it?

To be honest, I haven't dated any Klaipedians for many months, some number of months approaching double digits I believe, but not quite there yet. And last night was not a date either, but it was a female colleague in my home. As non-romantic as it was, I still did not want to seem like a slob (that is, I wanted to hide what a slob I am).

So since I've only dated Vilnietes for so long I stated keeping a slightly different style of interior decorating. Here's an example: instead of cleaning up used toilet paper rolls, I just leave them hanging around, on the grounds that it's "funny" to have a dozen of them around the bathroom.

Realizing last night that I had 45 minutes to eat, change, and clean up everything, including the toiletpaper rolls, I realized that I'm a retard. Luckily she was late!

The lesson is, do whatever you want, and don't worry about the consequences.


Trashcan said...

NO KOMUPANCE!!! by the way, does anyone know how to spell komupance

Liepa said...

i liiiiike your philosophy...

don't worry about how you'll get home later. that'll work itself out later.

i have some toilet paper rolls around my bathroom too... what if i might want them for something?

Aras said...

Loky, it's comeupance...i guessed it on my first try! I'm such a great speller, oh my God!

mrdarius said...

i would have guessed it had two "p's"

just like that shark.

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