Friday, January 06, 2006

Sandwich Heater

I do not know if that's the propper term from my most useful Christmas present so far. My brother, lokys, and my sister, liepa, got this dealie where you put in two sandwiches or a quesadilla and close it and a few minutes later, voila, hot food with little or no clean up. It's so easy I brought my breakfast to work today. It's convenient esecially because I've recently gotten all egged out: I ate eggs for breakfast almost every day for three years (my colesterol is only 140). Now I'll eat grilled cheeses instead, except I don't have to watch them or flip them, so I can dress or somethign while they cook.

The most entertaining gift was from the Tete, the first season of Deadwood, somewhat confusing to get into, but engaging by the end of the first episode.

The most mind-boggling gift was from Sirvydas, a My Little Pony, along with My Little Pony Story Book. He refused everybody's requests to explain this, claiming that we had to "think about it."

Something even more useful/entertaining/mind-boggling is yet to come, today according to plan, a collaborative effort between me and Mrs. Claus...


Aras said...

Sirvydas took off already. My father sent gifts along with Sirvydas and/or my mother. The rest of us are here all year. My mother's back and forth.

Jim Gust said...

deadwood is the new sopranos, which i knew you enjoyed. BTW, you can get most of the sopranos (through season 4) free at the Russell Library now.

we rented deadwood a couple discs at a time, and enjoyed them. the best character is wild bill hickock. all the key facts in the show about him are true, i knew that before i started it.

toward the end, i inadvertently rented the special features disc, assuming it included an episode of the show, which it does not. but having paid hollywood video for it, by god i was going to watch it. it was terrific, and in fact made me want to start watching the series over from the beginning.

the main thing is, not only is the bill hickock stuff true, many of the other main characters are based on real people (including al sweringen), and many of the key incidents are true. deadwood was a thriving town with a newspaper in those days, and copies of the newspaper survive.

the special features disc even has a bit on the overuse of the f word. grandpa maintains that no one on the farm used the f word when he was a boy, which you would expect from laborers. but maybe they just cleaned up their language in front of him.

glad you're enjoying it.

i am the tete

Liepa said...

totally-- your present turned out to be so cool, i want one now too! i might just have to pick up another sandwich maker...

Aras said...

yeah habibi. i got the first several seasons in vilnius, but the brother who burned them for me did it in a way that hasn't been readable thus far.

Aras said...

you mean "season" five?! :)

that'd be the bomb, kid. i needa get the first ones working too, first though, cause i feel like i gotta watch the whole thing from the begining again anyway, especially since i can't remember where i felt off, at the end of a season or in the middle of three or four.

Aras said...

i remember the ones with the evil terminator, the t1000. i remember...i don't know. they were good enough to watch them all again anyway!

Trashcan said...

Yeah, liepa and i get people the best presents. That sandwhich maker is almost as good as the shaved t-shirt we got you last year. Which is still in my closet by the way, because you never remember to bring it back to klaipeda with you.

Aras said...

here's the bomb ass recipe for the sandwich heater: two slices crappy wliced white bread; slice of random cheese; slice of random cold cut meat; varske spread (at least the veggie flavoried one is orgasmic); with butter on the outside.

I've had that for breakfast every day for two weeks now, and not only am i not bored of it, I have to seriously talk myself into having something different for dinner.

This is my counter: