Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So it was modesty, and then a weird, weird night

Went back to the nude beach with much finer weather. There were more people, including some young couples, many swimming. This one girl was cute, except I had to do a double take to decide weather she was naked or just topless...yuck.

However, they were still all stationed in the bushes. I was the only person out smack in the middle of the beach.

Then (clothed) I went for a few beers with Saidas, and I ate Lasagna at Onyx, which was good, except I think they used ketchup for tomato sauce...yuck. We watched Lithuania lose to Liverpool again.

I went to bed, and I had no water by my bedside, but, genius that I am, I though "fuck it," even though I was dehydrated from the beach and beer. While I was getting ready for bed I was thinking about traveling through Neringa with a woman, hurrying because there was a storm following us. So I dreamt that we, a bunch of people, were biking to Nida and there was a storm following us. We all got under the shelter of some restaurant without getting wet, except for Saidas who was drenched. He came up to me and said Dude, I need to take a piss. Then I woke up and realized I needed to take a piss, but I didn't want to get out of bed because it was freezing cold! I was shivering like an epileptic or something. It was so cold after I took a piss and filled up my water bottle I put on another blanket. Back to the dream: now we were all Cepelinai lying side by side in an oven, and then I woke up again and it was hot! I threw off the extra blanket. Back to the oven for an hour, and I woke up again and had to turn the fuckin fan on it was so hot. Back to sleep, and an new dream begins: some kind of bad guys catch me and my buddy and they think we know something we don't. They're grilling us, and I know they're probably going to kill us, so I'm being super suave and friendly and helpful to try to get on their good side. Then I woke up again, and it was back to the Cepelinai dream. And every time it was hard to fall back asleep because I'm a little sunburned everywhere.


owner said...

Whilst I was reading this entry, my first thought was "awesome, aras finally learned to hyperlink!"

And then when I went to post this comment, I saw Rachel's. Now Rachel knows how to hyperlink as well, but for some reason didn't do it.

Maybe you somehow siphoned off the little part of her mind that knows how to hyperlink and made it your own?

Otherwise, I have no comment on the content of your post. :\

mrdarius said...

all you need to do is type
followed by:
a href="">

and then the text you want to appear for the link:
and then
followed by

sorry if this might be confusing, but it would show up as a link if i typed it all together.

here's how the above would look once put together and published:

and i also have nothing to comment on for this posting. sorta like anyone's dreams: "wow, that's messed up."

This is my counter: