Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The train to Vilnius

I was traveling alone and had a cold, so I didn't take any booze, just planned on sleeping. I sat with three young ladies and an even younger boy. One had quite a rack (one of the girls), but they were too young for me to talk to, 17 probably. Next stop two guys join us, and offer us cider, so the party's on. One of the girls drinks cider, and I do, and she talks a bit. It turns out the girls are incoming freshmen to Klaipeda University, so I'll see them around next year. It turns out the talkative girl is a singer and they don't like group sex (one of the cider boys asked). The girls got off the train and we burned one and went to sleep.

This fatty old bitch comes in and asks if she can sit down, and I move my legs so she can, and even after sitting down she's muttering about how this isn't a sleeping car, and as a, um, steward (word choice?) walks by she yells to him to make our friend sit up. What a bitch, huh? No wait: another steward asks me to help him with a big bag, and I do, and when we've put it up this other even bigger bitch starts complaining that we've done a terrible job and she would have done better herself. I thought of this a moment too late, dammit, but I should have hauled it back to the floor and said "let's see you do a better job then, Bitch, please."

1 comment:

mrdarius said...

Just because they don't like group sex doesn't mean that they wouldn't engage in it. Actually, there are many people who like to do stuff they don't like. Weird.

Man, that's tough..being around fat annoying people. God.

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