Tuesday, August 23, 2005

You're gonna call me gay, but you'll be way off

Sirvydas and I went to dinner (a very spicy pizza "rodeo" at pizza jazz) and a movie for his last night in vilnius, cause he his flight is at 6 a.m., so no partying. The movie was supposed to be Star Wars episode 3, but it wasn't playing anymore. The only movies playing at the appropriate time were romantic comedies.

After bashing the shit out of such action movies as War of the Worlds and Sahara, I must admit that A Lot like Love, with Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet, was a perfectly cromulent movie. I enjoyed it. By the end I felt like Fred Savage in The Princess Bride: "They've gotta get married, they just have to! It wouldn't be fair if they didn't!!!"

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