Monday, October 03, 2005

You'd better sit down for this one...

Seriously, cause Liepa fainted when I told her this, and it was lucky i was right next to her to catch her, because we were in the glass museum, and her head was about to collide with a ginormous amount of jagged glass.

I'm all sexed out. It's not that it's too much or too little, certainly moderation is not the problem, it's just that I've become increasingly bored with it over the past eight months, and it's gotten to the point where I don't even try anymore. Saturday night at Honolulu after less than an hour I just got bored and left. I thought "what's the point?"

I've tried a few things to spice things up, things which are far too obscene to mention here... well, we can try to play hangman with one if anyone wants to lay down a guess...only three guesses total though: _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Also, anybody got any advise?

In other, non devestating news, before Honolulu, I was getting ready and I had this towel tied around me after the shower cause it was cold. The towel was a few inches too short so i actually had to tie the fringes' stings together loosely so it would hold. After shaving I'd forgotten about it being tied in that manner, and I tried to whip it off to dry off my face, which cause the knot to tighten, and I was like "Oh shit, it's stuck; I can't go out dressed like this!!!" And then I was like "Wait, maybe I can untie it!" I untied it.

Also, I danced with this girl, Daniele, who was not exceedingly attractive, so I did the "this land is my land" dance from you don't know what i'm talking about, go to the site and watch the movie, and picture me at a club doing that dance with a reasonable but not exceedingly attractive woman :D


mrdarius said...

let's see...

all fit for the first blank...and then

for the second.

hmm...this isn't looking too good for you, buddy. i think i might faint as well.

Rachel Croucher said...

excuse me whilst I retrieve my jaw from the floor...

Aras said...

dariau, i said you only get three guesses. plus when you play hangman you usually guess letters first, unless you're playing against knasas, in which case you can automatically guess "yla."

beyond all that, you were dead wrong on all counts, shockingly so...

mrdarius said...

i let my mind wander. you did write that the things were "far too obscene to mention" on your blog. i thought i was pretty g-rated given the usual content of your blog.

Aras said...

you're guesses do make for some interesting combos:

penis-skewers (ouch!)
mommy-beating (oh no!)
strap-bukkake (huh?)

anyway, i guess i'll fill you in the fifth time we hit the sauna after our twentieth beer and second bottle.

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