Monday, November 05, 2007

All Saints Day

Thursday was November First, so Liepa and I went to the cemetary where our Senelis is buried. Nobody went with us because our gims like to go a few days early when it's not packed. It wasn't really packed at 1:30 though, and it all looks much nicer when all the graves are decorated with flowers and burning candles.

On the way home I bought a new BBQ sauce which is by far the greatest one in Lithuania. It's easily in the same league as the ones I use in the states...unfortunatley, it's like three or four times as expensive as the next best one...fortunately, the next day we my special lady found them on sale at a different store for half price! But, she only bought four, so I went back the day after that for a dozen more. Hooray!

So far it's been used on chicken fingers, french fries, and meatloaf. Hooray!


Liepa said...

that and barbeque chicken salad!

Trashcan said...

french fries go with ketchup, not barbeque sauce. Despite your foolish crusade against ketchup. While i will admit that some people and nations (cough... lietuva) use way too much ketchup, and use it in places it doesn't belong ketchup does go with some things, especially french fries. Also on hamburgers, but the mayo is far more important. Also on hotdogs, but i've started putting mayo on that too, and i think i might try it with horseradish next time i have a hotdog.

Aras said...

i think liepa actually had it right when she said of ketuchup, "yuck, ketchup is only good for hotdogs, and hotdogs are only good for animals!"

and i deny that my crusade is foolish. the only reason you say that is because you consider mcdonald's standard condiment assignment to be holy writ!

Trashcan said...

I don't think my condiments are standard. I think anyone can agree that i use considerably more mayonnaise than anyone. Also i don't eat mustard at all seeing as how it is a deadly poison. Plus i have recently started using horseradish on a lot of different meats, i think it might be the best condiments for non sandwich meats. Also i drink 8 cups of gravy a day.

Also hotdogs aren't all bad. Although i think the ones in LT might be all bad. I don't think i would ever eat a hotdog in LT. But in the US are there are some good brands of hotdogs. I guess the problem is that there are so many diverse and delicious sausages in LT no one would ever eat a hotdog, but for the same reason i think hotdogs in LT are blander and grosser.

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