Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hillary Clinton: hard to say she's less stupid than anybody else!

These are awesome little bits of her contradicting herself repeatedly:

The Politics of Parsing

This is even funnier than Bushisms! It's so funny, now that I think of it, it's hard to imagine she's leading the polls...Hopefully people are just joking with those polls, like they were with the Lieberman polls.


Trashcan said...

The next president of the United States. The reason she keeps going back and forth is that she is trying to stand in the middle. All the democrats are trying to show how far left they are so the democrats will select them. The republicans are all trying to show how far right they are so the republicans will select them. Hilary is trying to stand in the middle so that the independents will vote her because that's what will win her the presidency. She's so far ahead she thinks she can stay in the middle and still win the nomination, but she's clearly uncomfortable when all the other democrats are saying how they are so far left and clinton is just like bush.

Aras said...

looks like she's going down after all. i don't even know what i want to happen in the primary. i guess i hope chris dodd wins, or some other fatty nobody outside one state knows of. i'm not sure who it will be easier for giuliani to beat next year, probably dodd. republicans can start calling him dudd in campaign commercials, that'll put an end to his credibility!

Trashcan said...

I'm predicting hilary and the new mexican guy against guiliani and hucabee. They are both from new york, so they both need southern vice presidents. Huckabee is much more conservative on social issues than giuliani, so that helps him with republicans too. Plus he's from arkansas so that will add a little twist against hilary. Meanwhile the guy from new mexico is half mexican, so that helps her with all the minorities who are dissapointed obama didn't win. I don't think obama or Mccain would be interested in running as vice presidents, otherwise it could be them. Also chris dodd is a total tool. I doubt he could win a single state against giuliani even with all the hatred of republicans going around.

Aras said...

why do you say chris dodd is a total tool???

Trashcan said...

My understanding is that Dodd was anti Lithuanian independence. When asked about whether soviet union countries had the right to secede he replied rhetorically should alaska have the right to secede? Implying that it shouldn't. I could be wrong, but i believe he was also against expanding NATO to eastern european countries for fear of angering mother russia. I could be misinformed about all of this, but given my current knowledge i think it's clear why i describe him as a total tool.

Ironically i just tried to see if i could find anything he said about lithuanian independence, and found that he supported something in congress basically congratulating the baltic states on 10 years of independence. If my previous information was accurate, that just makes him an even bigger tool.

Aras said...

that just makes him a politician, really. one of my greast professors at bu, igor lukes, said a politician is someone who changes his uniform during a revolution; he dresses to suit the government.

there's a list around of qhotation of brazauskas, who said much more horrid things about lithuania than dodd in 1989. the idea of an independent lietuva was an abomination, according to him. and as soon as it happened, of course he was all for it. he even wrote a book now about his struggle for it! that's just what politicians do.

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