Friday, November 16, 2007

International "Students" Day

Why are the q-marks around students, you wonder? Well, it's because only pseudo-students celebrate this day, so it's really more of an internation anti-student day. On Mother's Day, Mothers spend time with and/or are cherished by their children. On Frotteur's Day, they do the same. On Students Day, they celebrate by not being students at all, i.e. skipping class! Now, there is an hour and a half event that they may skip class for. So the professors let them out, and they walk right out of the building and don't come back after for their remaining classes. On their way out, I heard the receptionist ask them if they're not going to attend the event, and they replied, "Madam, have you taken leave of your senses?!" ("Nespank!")

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