Friday, November 23, 2007

I put the winter liner into my trench coat today

Coincidentally, today is also the day after the day when I watched The Last Stand. I didn't realize it was an X-Men movie, because I have a brail copy of it without pictures. Therefore, I was very excited to watch it when I put it in and realized what it was. Imagine how devestated I was when the movie was, uh, stupid. The X-Men continue to fight each other, for reasons that are no longer descernible in the least. All mutants were threatened with extermination in a much more real way than in the second movie, when they teamed up against the government. Now they fought against each other instead. Why? No reason. Plus they kill most of the good characters, but not in ways that serve a purpose, like when they killed Terminator 2. Almost all of them were killed, it seemed, just cause it's the last movie. I rate this movie a negative three.


Jim Gust said...

You are much too kind, that movie was far worse than your review.

I'd give it a negative 10.

Aras said...

I reserve my negative 10s for Air Bud, The Stupids, and The Last Emporor. Those are the three movies I had to stop watching the quickest. I even tried to watch Last Emporor a few times out of desperate bordom several years ago, but it was impossible.

Jim Gust said...

As I recall, you walked out on a terrific movie a couple of years ago, Big Fish. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. The Last Emperor was a fine film, though I agree it was slow at the beginning.

The worst movie of all time was Comes A Horseman, with Jane Fonda.

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