Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Lyme Disease is Gay

Not sure if I've got lyme disease again, but my lower back and neck are really sore and I'm suffering fatigue (not alcohol related).

The gay thing is that it recurs without being bitten again. Most doctors don't realize this, and some will think you're crazy to suggest it, just because they don't know about it, e.g. my butthead Boston University doctor. I had to insist on a blood test, he wouldn't even do that willingly. Then he called a few days later to apologize, I did have Lyme again, without being bit again. What an ass. This was my second time with it, four years ago. Hopefully it ain't that, or what my ass colleague scared me with, Radiculitis, which isn't exactly eponymous the way I hoped it would be!

UPDATE: feelin better, guess it was just the microbus trip or carrying the 80 pound backpack.


Trashcan said...

maybe you're gay for getting lyme disease so often. I've never had lyme disease so lyme disease must not like me. But clearly you and lyme dieseas are gay for each other.

Aras said...
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Aras said...

how can you call me gay, i'm the victim! that's like calling this kid gay: Boy Sex Assaulted

Trashcan said...


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