Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Liepa came out to visit us for Thanksgiving this year. We thought about just making Turkey breasts, but we wanted gravy, so we had to get something greasier: two thighs, two drumsticks, and half a breast, total of 4.5 lb. we got plenty of grease and made delicious gravy, stuffing with sausage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and big salad. The next day we made carrot cake, awesome. We drank beer, red wine, jagermeister, Cyprus ice tea, and several liters of pina-coladas with fresh fruit blended in. Nice. Tonight's sweet and sour turkey and stir fried vegetables. Double nice.

P.S. Liepa can't post comments, so she asked me to post this (i spell checked it for her):
why don't you mention anything else fun that we did, like tell so many jokes on the bus ride back and laugh so hard that we almost forgot a special someone... and after much arguing, watched troy and then psycho again? and play ALIAS with various sets of rules on various days, various amounts of which we agreed about, and ironically aras the single player won while the liepa-special team won by a landslide! maybe because aras forgot what "ziedadulkes" are; and buck euchre, and the vas-ki-chi game, and seinfeld. and getting up early to go the turgus and finding you hot pants and me freezing my toes off because my socks fell off and getting covered with snow and undressing into a shopping cart like bums at akrop, where we also made a t-shirt which included the words "pomidorcikas" and "ackarikas" and "malacius" and ate chinese soup and played MINI GOLF which i haven't done in years, but we totally ruled that floor, especially because we just did the holes in any order, avoiding all little kids and other goofs who take like 20 minutes per hole. and don't forget how we planned a fancy chinese dinner last night, but then ate so much leftover stuffing and chips with GUACOMOLE (the best we've made yet-- thanks to bacon and beans), that we forgot about dinner and just made dessert. but we grated about 7 cups of carrots (from 6 carrots!), when all we needed was 3 cups, so now you'll have to think up something else that might use so many damn grated carrots... maybe consider getting a rabbit as my special niece’s first pet.

1 comment:

Aras said...

well, the funnest game of all was backgammon, when i won six litai from liepa on a triple backgammon win.

and after i won the every man for himself part of alias, i just goofed around for the rest of the game. didn't you notice i couldn't guess or explain anything ever? my hint for table was "though you can have sex on it, but it's not a bed!"

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