Monday, September 29, 2008

What's that called again, I forget...scatter brain?

Well! A half hour after I got to work I looked down at my desk, slightly to the right, and saw a full mug of tea. I remembered filling and turning on the water boiler, but I thought that I'd forgotten to finish the process of brewing tea after coming back from the men's room, as usual. I touched the mug and was surprised to find it hot (sometimes I find a cup of tea around from yesterday if I had to rush out). I thought, "did someone make me tea while I was in the can? That would be nice, but who did that?" I thought about asking my colleague who'd just come in, but was afraid to look like a dunce. Instead I just thought really really hard, and finally remembered that I'd done it myself, after all, like five minutes ago. Oops!


Trashcan said...

so what you're saying is you need brain replacement surgery possibly because of some unfortunate genes you inherited. Probably you should warn the rest of your family that they should be on the look out for decreased mental faculties. And possibly you should hire a nanny for yourself.

Aras said...

Christ, if only I could afford one! I'd call her a secretary, of course. Currently my boss doesn't think I need one. How bad do you think I need to screw up in order to get the secretary but not get canned?

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