Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Here's a conversation I had with the two receptionists last night:

One receptionist to the other: Aras is going away again this week.
Me: No I'm not, I'll be here.
Receptionist: I thought you said you'd only be able to get that key back to me on Monday (I accidentally left before the weekend with a room key in my pocket)
Me: yeah, um...that's cause I, uh, left it at somebody's place...
Both receptionists: [doubled over cackling]
The other receptionist: Do you even remember the lucky young Lithaunia girl's name?!
Me: yes, I do seem to recall it!

I live in a rather male chauvinist society, which is lucky sometimes, but very unlucky other times. My most in-my-face experience with this was one time when I dated something of a colleague, and everybody started treating me like a glorious don juan and her like the town slut.


special lady said...

isties idomu, koks tos laimingosios merginos vardas, a? :D

Aras said...

eh, gal truputi :p

mrdarius said...

i bet you her name is girzwalda, and you're just too embarassed to say it in ... uh public? can one refer to the internet as public?

Aras said...

i don't know, when's kongresas?

Liepa said...

JUNE 23- JULY 9!!! i'm totally going, you should join :D

Aras said...

first of all, school's not out until july, so that makes it tricky to take a vacation in the last week of semester, especially since my students this year aren't going to all pass exams the first time around (first semester 9 out of 27 failed).

second, if i was stateside at the point, i would be attending the wedding of lisa and jeff bridges, or, darmetko, whatever their name is.

if i came to the states this summer it would probably be july and august. i'm starting to doubt it more and more though.

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