Monday, February 13, 2006

Half weekend

Oh, we got half weekends in Lithuania, you better believe it. Yes, we're just that retarded. That's exactly how retarded we are. If you wedged a rock through the part of my brain responsible for making rational decisions, and left it there with a battery inside that made it give the other parts of my brains occasional shocks to make them not work properly either , and a doctor tested me to find out how retarded I was, not knowing about my opinions or the procedure with the rock, this woud be his diagnosis: "this patient is half-weekend retarded."

When a holiday falls on Tuesday or a Thursday, the day between it and the weekend is usually made to be a holiday also. That is great, right, four day weekend? Yeah, great except for two things:
  1. You gotta make up for the lost day of work on the preceeding Saturday.
  2. The changes have to be signed in by the President of Lithuania (this is how it was explained to me, I'm sure the process was greatly exagerated to place blame somewhere I can't reach) and he doesn't get to that generally until a few days before hand, meaning I only have a few days to incorporate a working-Saturday into my schedule.

Here's why that's wicked stupid, besides the last minute aspect which is obviously unacceptable. I have two Fridays in a row. I specifically create my class schedule in a way that puts the most time between classes, so students have something to do between them. When they got one evening to read something, be it grammar or literature, they don't have time, and if they do have enough time to read, they don't have enough time to prepare homework, nor even to formulate ratiocinative questions. So on Friday II all you can do, really, is show them The Big Lebowski and hope they get at least 1/4 of the jokes.

The other reason why it's not just silly or stupid but actually retarded in the clinical sense, as in "only a mentally retarded person would want this" is that, why don't we just take Friday off instead of Thursday, and leave the fucking preceeding weekend alone? If this custom of working on a Saturday to get a long weekend later is good and right, why don't we do that every week, and then every fifth week we can all have a week long vacation? Because nobody wants that, and nobody would force that upon everybody, except for somebody who is clinically retarded, in the clinical sense, when all most people want is two days off a week (that's why the current non-holiday week system is set up that way, duh).

Saturday felt normal, cause I was in work mode, but then Sunday felt like Saturday, and right now I feel like I ought not be at work. Well, at least I'm making up for it by spending half my day bitching, right? :D

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