Thursday, February 09, 2006

Volume II of the Cottage Cheese Kick

So just for a little background, I bought some food for breakfast at my special lady's place Sunday, including cottage cheese, which I hadn't had in probably like a year. Maybe more. It's kind of expensive, actually, 2.29 per serving. Unless I'm eating five servings at a time...

Anyway, I fell in love with it instantly, and then, when I mixed in my special lady's home made strawberry preserves, I thought I would die from ecstacy! Possibly, I did, and after you die you just keep living the same life, like in that movie, I See Dead People, except that nobody is ignoring me (no more than usual, anyway).

Also when I told my students about this, and explained what a "kick" is, one girl was like, "why do you care so much about food?!" besides being an avid food eater, i'm always overly dramatic with my students about everything, because otherwise they fall asleep.

So I have indeed taken up my own suggestion of skipping a hot breakfast in favor of cottage cheese. Luckily, my special lady gave me the preserves, since she doesn't eat them herself (she's crazy, they're like jarred orgasms!). Delicious as my breakfast was, it's only 10:30 and I'm already wondering what's for lunch (which is especially pathetic, because I know what's for lunch: shit.). Either that's because I ran out of apples for breakfast in bed so I just drank all my juice (boy did that make a mess; drinking juice in bed is not as easy to do while you're sleeping as eating an apple), or my stomach has some adjusting to do.


special lady said...

Vyryti, Tu isties mane greit itikinsi, kad as "crazy", jei kiekvienai progai pasitaikius stengsies man tai priminti :)
matai, man maistas nera toks svarbus, tad ir konservuotos braskes man nesukelia jokiu giliu jausmu--bent jau tokiu, kaip Tau-- :)

Liepa said...

the cottage cheese club welcomes you with open arms!!!

i lovelovelove varske. food is so unbelievable. are you talking about a block, or what? how do you mix it with fruit?

mostly i just get tepamas.

Liepa said...

p.s. i also often eat in bed! except, i'm staying in the big bedroom now, and i always end up eating mama's chocolate truffles from the headboard as midnight/morning snacks!

mrdarius said...

i never eat in bed. but i guess that's because i usually sleep in my own bed and i don't want bedbugs, which are the scourge of new york at the moment apparently dddddddiddddddddddddddaleee.

kj fah fao epaopiwefhwepofj i'm so bored that i'm thinking of reading that posting a bit down. nah.

Aras said...

"grudėta varškė" is the normal one. by normal i mean american style. it comes in little wide plastic cups with foil on top.

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