Monday, February 27, 2006

Family Reunion

Yo my family's been like disunited or whatever for almost two months, I been livin' without my brethren, as the fella says. Or does he?

So this weekend Lokys and Liepa came for a vist to Klaipeda. We made zuppa tuscana and I got wastefaced, I don't know why, but I was shitcaked. I had an argument with Lokys and my special lady, defending myself for not finishing my beer, claiming that I shouldn't have to finish my beer because the size it comes in is arbitrary, who the fuck's to say that exactly .5 liters is the best serving size, huh?!

Also we played buck eurchre, Liepa won, I was like 20 in the hole.

In the morning we ate cottage cheese and jam, and Lokys and I played Backgammon, which is a perfectly cromulent game, I don't know why it's so unpopular. I feel like nobody's ever even heard of it, or if someone has he'll just be like "yeah that's that really old fashioned game that like knights and shit used to play or something?" I won, and Lokys owes me fifty cents.

Then we walked around Klaipeda, including Port Hard to Resist, the Kalnapilis boat (in which my special baby made a great ruckas, and kept shoving napkins in my mouth) for a beer, a fat tuesday parade, Hitler Square, and the sculpture park, and this photo gallery that Liepa wanted to see.

Then we went to BIG to buy food, and we spent an amazing 90 for food, only 15 of which was booze, including nothing exotic, just for dinner and breakfast. We had to split dinner into two seperate dinners, one at 8 and one at 11:30, cause it was so much food. Dinner I was pepperoni pizza with a double layer of wall to wall pepperoni, and sauted mushrooms, and seasoned mozzarela, and normal mozarella. Dinner B was barbeque chicken feta bacon pizza with smoked cheese and mozerella and sauteed onions. In between dinners, which were the height of gluttony, we saw a Jim Carrey movie, which was totally funny. We had to get up early for me to go to work, so we hit the hay at 12:30ish.

A Totally Fun Weekend!


Liepa said...

yeah, klaipeda was awesome, especially the part when the special baby tried to pick my nose :) but not the part when she played drums on my face with her bowl ;)

i have some highhhhhlarious pictures i'll try posting tomorrow! the documentation of baby's life has begun... muah

Aras said...

Giedre, I just call the Svyturys boat the Kalnapilis boat. I did it once drunk by accidenta and it stuck.

I've eaten more than my share of beaver several places in Klaipeda, but never anywhere more public than behind the bushes at the beach ;)

Aras said...

you've a great memory for languages rachel. but you mixed up aras's (possesive) with aras's (conjunction).

Unless you really meant that my eaten beaver is everywhere...[shudder] :o

Trashcan said...

Spending the weekend with aras and meeting his special lady as well as his work colleagues led to one inevitable question. If we poled everyone aras knew before he graduated from college, what would they say would be less likely for aras at age 25. Aras the professor, or Aras the parent. I would go withthe professor being less likely, but i think it's a pretty close close. Possibly more likely than both, aras the transvestite.

Aras said...

Are you drunk Loky?!

mrdarius said...

That last link there is terrible, arai. i think i might be getting fired soon. i think if you polled people aras knows now, that both would be equally unbelievable.

i have to get over there asap to see this with me own eyeballs.

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