Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Last night I went to BIG (a mall with a super market, like most malls in LT) to get some pepperoni. I needed other things too, which I could get closer to home, but pepperoni I’ve only been able to find at BIG’s Iki (in Klaipėda; Vilnius used to have it around, but no more). They had it! I’d only gotten it once there, so I was afraid I might have gone there for naught. Oh boy did they have it, it isn’t even called “pipirinė dešra” anymore, now they actually call it pepperoni, “Solomono Pepperoni,” and it’s spelled right and everything! Oh boy! I took two immediately! I couldn’t imagine what to make with it, it’s been so long, I walked around the store for like an hour before I realized if I didn’t leave in five minutes I would kill myself. I would have liked to make a wrap but Klaipėda don’t got no wraps yet, so I made a tuna pepperoni salad sub. I was gonna use half a baguette, but then, at the last second (I had the bread on the cutting board and my knife poised), I said “fuck it!” and used the whole thing, minus the stale ends which I retained for soup. And I finally got foil last week too (they sell it in 10 meter rolls; why can’t I get like 600 yards at a time like in the states? Come on!), so I was able to wrap up the sub and put the whole thing in the oven…oh my God I’m still shuddering about how amazing it was!

Afterwards I had this phone conversation with my special lady:

SL: How are you?
I: I’m so unbelievably good!
SL: Why, what happened?
I: I found pepperoni!!!
SL: What’s that?
I: It’s this really amazing sausage that I really like.
SL: Somehow I’m not surprised…

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