Monday, February 13, 2006

Me? I'm scruffy.

I've become unkempt. When my hair is short and my face is shaven I don't have to do anything after I get out of the shower besides drying off an dressing. However, I got my last haircut in November, or possibly even October, if I'm not mistaken, and since my special lady is not in Klaipeda, I don't shave no more either. It keeps me warmer and I don't got dick to impress.

But I still don't do anything with my hair or grotesque beard, which has been getting in my coworkers food and one cute coworker I came up behind thought I was a bear and freaked out so bad she fainted and she would have collapsed but I grabbed her really quick but in my haste I accidentally grabbed her tits and tore off her shirt and bra and now I got a law suit on my hands. Anyway, when my special lady comes for a weekend visit I shave, but that still leaves me with the bedraggled hair. That means most Wednesdays, when the beard starts growing back past the point of two-day-laziness my colleagues say, ką, vėl barzdą išaugini, and I say, whatever, and shrug. And they say I'm apšiaušęs, and then I say uh huh, whatever. But I have to get a hair cut now, cause now my special lady dropped a hint or two about me getting a hair cut. I don't remember her exact words, it was really subtle, something like "greičiau Tu varyk į tą prikeiktą kirpyklą, durniau Tu, apvėlęs kaip šlapia šluota, tuoj aš Tave nulupsiu su spygliuotu botagu!"

So, I'm thinking, I could get a haircut, or, I could start doing my hair like Al Swerengen, including the beard, why not? What do you think? I'm not sure how to do it, it looks like he uses vegetable oil. And I'm not sure my hair is curly enough, do I have to get it permed? How about a little advice here, huh guys? Please? Give give give, that's all I ever do on this blog.


Aras said...

okay, i'll ask for that (assuming you meant beryl). can you describe it though, so i can explain what an alternative should match up to?

special lady said...

Arai, as turiu Tau viena klausima: ar yra dar viena special lady be manes? :D
nes tai, ka as perskaiciau, neatitinka realybes, vyryti!!!
gal as ir skundziausi del Tavo nuostabiosios barzdos :), bet as ne karto neuziminiau apie Tavo sukuosena, nebent tada, kai kalbejom butent plauku kirpimo tema ir lyginom kaip daznai mes abu kerpames :)
todel butu labai malonu, kad ateity manes nestatytum i tokia faina padeti ir neverstum savo blog'o skaitytoju galvoti "kas per bambeklele boba yra ta Aro vadinama special lady" :D :D
cia pajuokavau...
bet juk turejau kazkaip sureaguoti i Tavo toki pareiskima :)

Aras said...


Ne, nera jokios kitos special bambekleles:)

Liepa said...

now YOU can take over as lokys' twin... because you're describing his appearance perfectly

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